Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our Best Seller

Some site visitors who write to me comment that the merchandise of Wilford's Trading Post is just too expensive for their budget. It is true that I sure like to purchase and display high end window show pieces like the Quandelacy Fetish Necklaces, the Don Dewa ranger set or the Harry Morgan concho belt. In response to those who have written asking for an array of merchandise with a few more items on the lower end of the spectrum, I have begun stocking many more items that sell below $50. One item, the hair combs, as pictured here have been up since the beginning. They are our best seller. We buy them 100 units at time and ship them around the world. At $18.99 a pair, they are inexpensive, elegant, and meld the two most common ingredients of Southwest Native American Jewelry, sterling silver and turquoise, into a practical eye-catching hair piece.